Our Support

How Does THINC Support Foster Parents?

With Professional Training

In addition to the initial 30 hours of Foster Pride/Adopt Pride pre-service training, all THINC parents receive regular ongoing monthly training, totaling 64 hours per year. Every foster parent is required to attend a six-week in-service parenting course, titled: “Parenting with Love and Logic.” Certified trainers conduct the courses on Community First Aid and Safety, and on Crisis Prevention/Intervention.

Get Your Feet Wet

Newly approved and trained foster parents are encouraged to provide respite care in their home to a particular child on a continuous basis prior to
a fulltime placement. Respite care simply means providing ‘a break’ for the regular foster parents, for a night or perhaps for a weekend. It’s a way for the new parents to acquire experience before accepting a child fulltime.

Experienced Foster Parent Support & Mentoring

New parents will be assigned to work with a more experienced foster parent family, to gain benefit from their experience, and to use them as a source of advice and counsel.

Ongoing Professional Staff Support

THINC clinical staff members are available to foster parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Weekly home visits are made by THINC treatment staff to discuss the problems and progress of the foster child. Additional support services include coordination of services with schools, the courts, and the Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services. Crisis management, medication and other mental health treatment services. All necessary documentation is provided.

Financial Support

Each child is accorded full medical and dental coverage, including hospitalization. In addition to an initial clothing allowance, therapeutic foster parents receive a monthly room and board stipend, and an additional ‘difficulty of care’ payment. Respite care is also compensated, and appropriate travel expenses are reimbursed.